Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Is the Mediterranean Diet really effective?

The Mediterranean diet plan is probably one of the most popular diet plans in existence. The foundation of the diet  plan came from the individuals who live in the Mediterranean area. The Mediterranean diet is a high-energy diet program that is based in carbohydrate and low fat. The chief element of the diet program is bread.

Those who are residing in the Mediterranean region are known to have low risk of having illnesses and chronic diseases. This diet plan is focused on the intake of fresh vegetables, whole grains, beans, fresh fruits, rice, seeds and pasta. In preparing a Mediterranean diet menu, olive oil plays a major part. This diet program suggests consuming dairy products such as yogurt and cheese in low amounts. Aminoacids from animals should be taken in lower amounts than protein from plants.

The Food Guide Pyramid suggests the Mediterranean diet program. It has a healthy diet that may have many benefits. This is why most individuals in the area have low risk of having heart illness. Agriculture and active way of life is one of the major components of having great health.

However, if you want to drop some body weight, the Mediterranean diet program is not the answer because it is not a weight loss routine. This diet program is simply a traditional diet of the individuals in the Mediterranean region including sixteen nations. Moreover, diet plans are different depending on the location of regions and nations.

Another important ingredient in a Mediterranean Diet program is the presence of fish. It is a fact that consuming fish several times a week can be beneficial. Seafood is an excellent source of omega-3 or body fat that is good for your heart. With this in mind, if you are allergic to fish, you do not have a chance to try Mediterranean diet program.

Researches agree that Mediterranean diet plan is better and healthier that any other diet program such as North European and American diet program due to the intake of more fresh fruits and vegetables.

It is definitely a way of life and honestly, it does not help in reducing body weight specifically through starvation. This diet program is not only into you need to but residing healthy and balanced. People in the Mediterranean region are generally optimistic and they have a strong family bond. Besides having time to cook, they take time in relaxing and enjoying.

If you want to drop some body weight quickly, it is better to find another kind of diet program because Mediterranean diet plan is a lifelong process. You need to change your way of residing and eat foods that may not be your nature. It is difficult to maintain these diet plans especially if you live in a place wherein fruit, fresh vegetables and fish are unlikely.

However, if you want to lose gradual weight over time through use of organic foods and natural, healthy methods, The Mediterranean Diet is the best option. For more information you can visit

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